Parecerá absurdo ou exagerado dizer-se que a raça branca ou europeia tem recuado e tende a ser eliminada, sabendo-se que é ela que mais tem irradiado por todas as partes do globo. Realmente, a raça branca tem irradiado e conquistado por toda a parte; mas quanto mais irradia e conquista, tanto mais se adultera e desaparece!
Vai perdendo em pureza ou qualidade o que ganha em difusão; porque quanto mais se difunde, mais se mistura com outras raças afastadas que lhe acabam por adulterar completamente o seu tipo físico e mental.
Mais valeria ter-se difundido menos e conservado melhor a sua pureza ou tipo étnico; porque ela difunde-se, mas ao mesmo tempo adultera-se, dilui-se e desaparece, devido aos cruzamentos com as raças que vai dominando.
Durante algumas gerações, os mestiços resultantes desses cruzamentos ainda irão apresentando alguns tipos com caracteres da raça branca; mas, passados alguns séculos, as populações mestiçadas acabam por perder toda a semelhança e afinidade com a nossa raça.
Este processo de desaparecimento da raça é tanto mais perigoso quanto é certo que actua por uma forma lenta que passa completamente desapercebida. Assim, os elementos da raça branca que durante a época pré-histórica emigraram da Europa para a América setentrional e para a Ásia, adulteraram-se por meio dos cruzamentos com os elementos negróides e mongólicos que esses antigos Europeus foram encontrar nas regiões africanas e asiáticas para onde emigraram, dando lugar aos tipos étnicos mistos muito diferentes da nossa raça - o euro-africano (desde a Núbia até Marrocos) e o euro-mongólico (Rússia oriental, Ásia Central e Sibéria). É também o que presentemente se está dando com os Europeus que emigraram para a América central e meridional, em virtude de cruzamentos com os descendentes de escravos negros que antigamente foram levados da África para a América e com os restos dos indígenas americanos. Daqui a quinhentos anos, as nações da América do sul e central estarão completamente mestiçadas, como a Núbia, a Abissínia ou a Índia meridional, se não tomarem quaisquer medidas tendentes a dificultar a mestiçagem e a manter a raça branca.
In Perigos que Ameaçam a Europa e a Raça Branca: III - Adulteração e Eliminação da Raça Branca, de José Maria Andrade Saraiva, 1932.
«O desejo de Lisboa é que Norte nunca venha a ter líder» - Luís Filipe Menezes
ResponderEliminarO presidente da Câmara de Gaia, Luís Filipe Menezes, afirmou este sábado que «o desejo de Lisboa é que o Norte nunca venha a ter líder» e que as próximas eleições autárquicas serão «a última oportunidade» em várias gerações de o Norte se conseguir impor ao centralismo.
ResponderEliminarAs declarações surgem na sequência de Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa ter dito, esta sexta-feira, que Rui Rio não tem conseguido ser o líder do Norte.
O JN noticia que durante uma visita aos piquetes de greve dos trabalhadores da Cerâmica de Valadares, Menezes criticou a administração central: «O desejo de Lisboa é que o Norte nunca venha a ter líder. É um pouco essa lógica pitonisesca de que o Norte está condenado a não ter líder. Há quem trabalhe para, na secretaria, conseguir esse desiderato.»
ResponderEliminarMenezes lembrou ainda a importância das próximas eleições: «É impossível que uma região se levante sem lideranças fortes. Neste novo ciclo político que vem aí, o Norte tem talvez a última oportunidade, numa perspetiva de duas ou três gerações, de se tornar num grande centro alternativo a Lisboa, na segunda grande ponte urbana de entrada na Europa.»
«Two contributors to Riposte Laïque, the website devoted to the defense of the law on separation of Church and State, a law that has been violated many times in multiple ways by a succession of French leaders, have been tried by a French court on charges of discrimination against a group (ethnic, racial, religious). The final verdict will be delivered on March 23. The two writers risk a suspended sentence of two and three months, and a hefty fine of 150,000 euros.
ResponderEliminarA reminder that the contributors to this website are, for the most part, leftists, Socialists, feminists and anti-clerics who began to see the light regarding Islam, immigration, and freedom of speech. They perceived also the level of collaboration of the Socialist Party in the gradual dilution of French identity through what has come to be known as "population substitution." They truly seem to have experienced an epiphany.
The legal action against Pierre Cassen and Pascal Hilout is a result of accusations of discrimination by several anti-racist organizations: the LDH (Human Rights League), MRAP (Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples), and LICRA (International League against Racism and Antisemitism). These accusations are based on two articles, one by Pierre Cassen, one by Pascal Hilout, that express deep concern over the Islamization of France. The two articles go back to April and October 2010. The first, entitled "France is in a state of civil war, it's a fact…" reviews just a few of the numerous crimes and acts of urban violence that have plagued France since the massive immigration started and points to the indifference and/or collaboration of the authorities entrusted with the security of the country. The second article, by Pascal Hilout, an Algerian-born Muslim apostate, entitled "Can we defeat the Islamist offensive by democratic means alone?" suggests that democratic processes, while helpful at times, are not enough to stop the spread of Islam, noting the increase of veiled women, the wide-spread necessity to eat halal food since nothing else is available and often French people are even afraid to buy pork. The article also discusses the flaws within the Front National but concludes that the FN is not the enemy, Islam is. Pascal Hilout concludes his article by saying that democracy may have to be violated to some extent in order to save freedom.»
«Two contributors to Riposte Laïque, the website devoted to the defense of the law on separation of Church and State, a law that has been violated many times in multiple ways by a succession of French leaders, have been tried by a French court on charges of discrimination against a group (ethnic, racial, religious). The final verdict will be delivered on March 23. The two writers risk a suspended sentence of two and three months, and a hefty fine of 150,000 euros.
ResponderEliminarA reminder that the contributors to this website are, for the most part, leftists, Socialists, feminists and anti-clerics who began to see the light regarding Islam, immigration, and freedom of speech. They perceived also the level of collaboration of the Socialist Party in the gradual dilution of French identity through what has come to be known as "population substitution." They truly seem to have experienced an epiphany.
The legal action against Pierre Cassen and Pascal Hilout is a result of accusations of discrimination by several anti-racist organizations: the LDH (Human Rights League), MRAP (Movement against Racism and for Friendship among Peoples), and LICRA (International League against Racism and Antisemitism). These accusations are based on two articles, one by Pierre Cassen, one by Pascal Hilout, that express deep concern over the Islamization of France. The two articles go back to April and October 2010. The first, entitled "France is in a state of civil war, it's a fact…" reviews just a few of the numerous crimes and acts of urban violence that have plagued France since the massive immigration started and points to the indifference and/or collaboration of the authorities entrusted with the security of the country. The second article, by Pascal Hilout, an Algerian-born Muslim apostate, entitled "Can we defeat the Islamist offensive by democratic means alone?" suggests that democratic processes, while helpful at times, are not enough to stop the spread of Islam, noting the increase of veiled women, the wide-spread necessity to eat halal food since nothing else is available and often French people are even afraid to buy pork. The article also discusses the flaws within the Front National but concludes that the FN is not the enemy, Islam is. Pascal Hilout concludes his article by saying that democracy may have to be violated to some extent in order to save freedom.»
«On the witness stand Pascal spoke about his childhood in Taza, his enrollment in a Koranic school then in a "modern" school under the French protectorate at the request of his grandmother who had to wear the veil under pressure. He told of his awakening, his arrival in France and his confrontation with Islam that he thought was behind him. He recalled that the first ones to demonstrate against Salman Rushdie were not Iranians but Muslims from Great Britain and he stated that for him Islam is equal to Islamism.
ResponderEliminarHe spoke of his Muslim given name (Pascal Hilout was born "Mohammed"), this tattoo that you keep for your life, which prompted the judge to respond that he had nonetheless changed his first name, to which Pascal replied that he did it out of a desire to assimilate into a country he loved and out of a refusal to be called Mohammed which no longer meant anything to him. Pascal then spoke of his "atavism" and his libido that engenders in him a desire for conquest, of the religion that is present "even to the end of his penis" (the word used in French is "zizi", a term used by children), of the markings by a religion as one brands cattle. Prosecuting attorney Tubiana made gestures of disapproval and asked him tricky questions, but Pascal never fell into any of the traps set for him.»