"Também não oprimirás o estrangeiro; pois vós conheceis o coração do estrangeiro, pois fostes estrangeiros na terra do Egipto” (Êxodo 23.9).
"Como um natural entre vós será o estrangeiro que peregrina convosco; amá-lo-ás como a ti mesmo, pois estrangeiros fostes na terra do Egipto. Eu sou o SENHOR vosso Deus” (Levítico 19.34)."
ou seja, sempre que ouvirem o argumento de que não podem ser contra a imigração, porque existem compatriotas vossos lá fora, ou porque vocês próprios já foram imigrantes em algum momento, já sabem que se trata de uma cópia e uma tara neo-cristã, e que quem usa essa chantagem é um neo-cristão, quer seja ou não religioso...
"do you not know that the FRIENDSHIP WITH THE WORLD is ENMITY with God? Whoever, therefore, wants to be a FRIEND OF THE WORLD is constituting himself an ENEMY OF GOD.” (James 4:4)
ResponderEliminar"Também não oprimirás o estrangeiro; pois vós conheceis o coração do estrangeiro, pois fostes estrangeiros na terra do Egipto” (Êxodo 23.9).
"Como um natural entre vós será o estrangeiro que peregrina convosco; amá-lo-ás como a ti mesmo, pois estrangeiros fostes na terra do Egipto. Eu sou o SENHOR vosso Deus” (Levítico 19.34)."
isso tem a ver com o nacionalismo judaico
The different Jewish communities of India, Bene Israel, Cochini, Baghdadi and Bne Menashe claims their arrival in India in different ways and it is not always clear how they really came to India. The Bene Israel, which is the largest Jewish community of India, lived earlier in the villages of west Maharashtra. They are believed to exist in India for over 2000 years. The Cochini Jews in south India also claim that their first forefathers arrived in India over 2000 years ago during King Solomon's rule. The Bne Menashe of East India who claim to origin from the 'Lost Tribes' arrived much later in India. The Bne Menashes arrived in east India from China and Myanmar (Burma). In the late 18th century, Jews from Arab countries and Iran arrived in India because of religious persecutions in their countries. They were called collectively as Baghdadi Jews.
ResponderEliminarChristianity did not arrive in India with the arrival of European missionaries. It reached India almost 2000 years ago.
St. Judas Thomas, was a carpenter. He was brought to India by a merchant to build a temple. St. Thomas arrived in Kerala, in south India in 52 AD. He succeeded in converting local Indians to Christianity. His converts were called Syrian Christians. One assumption says that some of the Syrian Christians were actually local Jews converted by St. Judas Thomas to Christianity. St. Judas Thomas arrived in Kerala in south India and St. Bartholomew in western Maharashtra in west India.
India was never one single country but a collection of kingdoms and authorities with no sense of unity. In this sense India as one single country is mainly a result of British rule. Before that the word India was not used to indicate the present day India, but any kingdom, culture or community that existed between present day Afganistan, in the west, up to China and Myanmar in the east.
ResponderEliminarUntil its independence in 1947, other countries which neighbor India today; Pakistan, Bangladesh (formerly East Pakistan), Myanmar (formerly Burma) and distant places like Aden in present day Yemen; were all parts of British India and were all considered as India.
ResponderEliminarA Europa e os EUAS instigam o ditador a tomar o poder em seu país. Para depois comprar petroleo barato. Ficam pra lá e pra cá circulando com ele de manzinhas dadas. E depois quando povo se revolta, eles bombardeião o país deles, o povo foge para seus paises e agora vocês reclamam?
ResponderEliminarE ainda culpam a Biblia, a vai...
«Jewish Arthur Pisk - Head of the Ordnungsdienst.(OD) in charge of
ResponderEliminarWesterbork concentration camp.
All of the OD Westerbork camp officials under Pisk were also Jews
durante a segunda guerra mundial morreram 6 milhões de judeus e
ResponderEliminar50 milhões de europeus
"Over to Professor Stephen Oppenheimer of Oxford University, who says some 81% of the Welsh have DNA evidence which shows a common link to ancestors who came to Britain from northern Spain many thousands of years ago."
ResponderEliminar"durante a segunda guerra mundial morreram 6 milhões de judeus e
ResponderEliminar50 milhões de europeus
29 de Maio de 2011 06:25"
6 milhões de judeus o caralho!
e se morreram milhões de Europeus, deve-se também aos comunistas e aos aliados (França, EUA, UK)
Anónimo disse...
ResponderEliminarA Europa e os EUAS instigam o ditador a tomar o poder em seu país. Para depois comprar petroleo barato. Ficam pra lá e pra cá circulando com ele de manzinhas dadas. E depois quando povo se revolta, eles bombardeião o país deles, o povo foge para seus paises e agora vocês reclamam?
E ainda culpam a Biblia, a vai...
28 de Maio de 2011 19:17
petróleo barato?!
deves estar a gozar!
ResponderEliminarhá caracteristicas que dizes que são dos celtas mas há escandinavos que dizem que foram eles que as passaram aos celtas.
50 milhões é a soma de todos os que morreram na segunda guerra.
ResponderEliminarIncluindo judeus, ciganos, civis e soldados de ambos os lados. E devemos lembrar que isto não teria acontecido se Hitler não tivesse invadido paises.
Hitler não teria invadido países, se não lhe tivessem roubado territórios para os anexar à Polónia, se não fosse o tratado de Versalhes, se a França e Inglaterra não estivessem do lado dos judeus e não tivessem declarado guerra, se Estaline não tivesse planeado invadir primeiro a Alemanha, etc, etc
ResponderEliminarpor falar em "invadir"...e quem invadiu o leste da Polónia, a Finlândia, e mais tarde todo o leste europeu, incluindo a Alemanha de Leste?
e quem invadiu a Alemanha Ocidental e causou Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, etc?
"50 milhões é a soma de todos os que morreram na segunda guerra.
ResponderEliminarIncluindo judeus, ciganos, civis e soldados de ambos os lados"
muitos alemães também. incluindo inocentes, mulheres, crianças, etc
e incluindo milhares de japoneses inocentes mortos pelas bombas atómicas...
mas 6 milhões de judeus é ridiculo..
ResponderEliminare, claro, essa das invasões de países a comparar com Holodomores e outras...
ResponderEliminaro gaylucas não consegue ser isento.
só sabe dizer "nem ditadura de direita, nem de esquerda" mas depois na hora de criticar, só se lembra de Hitler, Holocontos, judeus e países invadidos pela Alemanha...
ResponderEliminarhá caracteristicas que dizes que são dos celtas mas há escandinavos que dizem que foram eles que as passaram aos celtas."
Anónimo disse...
ResponderEliminar50 milhões é a soma de todos os que morreram na segunda guerra.
Incluindo judeus, ciganos, civis e soldados de ambos os lados. E devemos lembrar que isto não teria acontecido se Hitler não tivesse invadido paises.
30 de Maio de 2011 17:46
depois da guerra, alguém mandou violar as alemãs e as italianas. FILHOSDAPUTA!
Anónimo disse...
ResponderEliminar50 milhões é a soma de todos os que morreram na segunda guerra.
Incluindo judeus, ciganos, civis e soldados de ambos os lados. E devemos lembrar que isto não teria acontecido se Hitler não tivesse invadido paises.
30 de Maio de 2011 17:46
depois da guerra, alguém mandou violar as alemãs e as italianas. FILHOSDAPUTA!
«Blue eyes have become increasingly rare among North American children due to non European immigration and intermarriage with other ethnic groups. In 1900, 80 percent of people married within their ethnic group, and blue eyes a genetically recessive trait were passed down among people of northern European ancestry. About half of Americans born in 1899 had blue eyes compared to merely one 1 of every 6 today, and the rate keeps falling fast.
ResponderEliminarWe keep hearing a lot of people praising diversity in Western mass media these days, but Europeans have a higher natural diversity of hair- and eye colors than the inhabitants of all other continents combined. This great diversity of phenotypes is directly threatened by non-European mass immigration, which once again reminds us that diversity in the Multicultural vocabulary is merely a code word for getting rid of everything that s unique to Europeans.»
by Anestos Canelides
ResponderEliminarWe as a people, whether in Greece or the USA, should not forget our history, especially when it comes to Islam.
About year ago, in the name of political correctness Greek textbooks referred to the Ottoman occupation of the Greeks as the “Ottoman administration”. The reference was quickly retracted after a loud uproar from many Greeks, because the Ottoman interlude was much more than an administration, and the occupation brought upon the Christian Greeks centuries of cruel oppression.
One institution of such oppression practiced by the Turks was called Devshirme, or the practice of recruiting the best and brightest children, usually males, from Christian families, and forcing them to convert to Islam. These children were trained in the Sultan’s civil service, or they become part of an elite fighting force known as the Janissaries. From very inception of this institution the Christian population grievously resented the abduction of their children.
The great historian Leopold Von Ranke wrote that the first heroic song by Christos Melionis rang out throughout the mountains in Greece only after the traumatic practice of Devshirme was ended, and it was only long after it was over that it brought about revolt throughout the Balkans. 1
The Sultan inducted into his service children who had fallen into his hands either by purchase, or by outright abduction by recruiters from their families. Author Andre Gerolymatos writes about the barbaric practice of Devshirme in The Balkan Wars:
The cruel practice in what today can be called brain cleansing of the Christian population of the Ottoman Empire is perhaps the most inhuman Turkish legacy. The advantage gained by those chosen for conversion and a better life in Constantinople cannot militate against the odium of taking children away from their parents. 2
The Ottomans would send agents into villages to exact this tribute, thus depriving these villages of their strongest and most intelligent children, and making the Devshirme agents the most hated manifestation of Turkish rule. “The memory of these men continues to stigmatize the Turks in the Balkans.” 3
It is easy to understand the traumatic tone in surviving Greek literature from that period. For the parents this was a heartbreaking loss, and the complete transformation of their children, who were forced to turn away from their Christian faith, was devastating. The Tubingen manuscript written by Andre Argyros and John Tholoites in the 16th century vividly reveals the trauma that the parents went through.
You understand my lords and Christian gentlemen, what sorrow the Greeks bear, the fathers and mothers who are separated from their children at the prime of life. Think ye of the heart-rending sorrow! How many mothers scratch their out their cheeks! How many father beat their breasts with stones! What grief these Christians experience on account of their children who are separated from them while alive and how many mothers say, “It would be better to see them dead and buried in our church, rather than to take them alive in order to become Turks and abjure our faith. Better that you had died. 4
The sad fact is that while many Janissaries were Greek, their conversion and adherence to Islam forever severed them from any Hellenic consciousness or connection with Greek society. 5 The Christian population throughout the Balkans, resented the recruitment of the children and it was often carried out by force. Those who would not submit and surrender the most healthiest, the most handsome, and the most intelligent children faced stiff penalties. Parents who refused were immediately put to death by hanging.
Since there was no way to escape this recruitment, some Christians fled their villages to certain cities which enjoyed exemption from this tax. They also fled to Venetian-held territories to seek a safe haven, and this resulted in the depopulation of the countryside. Families often sent their children to hide in the mountains or in the homes of Turkish officials friendly to Greeks. Some children ran away on their own initiative, but when they found out their parents had been arrested and were being tortured, they quickly returned and surrendered themselves to the authorities.
ResponderEliminarIn some cases Greek parents would exchange their children for Turkish children. Since only Christian children could be recruited, this gave Turkish families the hope that their child would attain a successful career as either a Janissary or in civil service. 6 A few Christian families also saw this as an opportunity for their children, but vast majority resisted the theft of their offspring.
Why Devshirme?
Greeks and other people of the Balkans usually resisted the conquest of their lands, and therefore faced the fate of the conquered, which was determined according to the principles of the Qur’an. This meant they were either killed, compelled to convert to Islam or required to pay the so-called protection tax. If they paid the protection tax (also called the jizya), they could keep their faith but were relegated to the status of a second-class citizens. If the population willfully surrendered they were granted selected privileges. 7 “The fact that the Ottomans, in the case of voluntary surrender, conceded certain privileges, one of which was exemption from this heavy burden, indicates that its measure was understood as a penalization for the resistance of the population and the devshirme was an expression of the perpetuation of the state of war between the conqueror and the conquered.” 8
The recruitment of children took place every three to four years and at times even annually, according to the needs of the Sultan. The largest loss of children coincided with the peak of Ottoman expansion in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries under the rule of Selim I and Suleyman the Magnificent.
This brutal abduction of Christian children continued into the seventeenth century, but it lost its importance. Occasional recruitment took place until the rebellion of 1705, and perhaps even later, but it had a lasting effect on the Christian population for many years beyond its time. “Finally, though a final consideration of the total losses is impossible, there is no doubt that this heavy burden was one of the hardest tribulations of the Christian population.” 9 In time Muslim Turks were recruited in place of Christian children. Even after this institution ended, the anger continued to seethe, and eventually led to the revolution which gave Greece its independence in 1821.
While most modern Turks would be appalled at this inhuman treatment of Christians today, it must not be forgotten or covered up out of political correctness. With the threat of the Islamization of Europe and the Americas, it is a lesson that must not be overlooked.
«"While most modern Turks would be appalled at this inhuman treatment of Christians today, it must not be forgotten or covered up out of political correctness. With the threat of the Islamization of Europe and the Americas, it is a lesson that must not be overlooked."
ResponderEliminarIf given half the chance, Muslim Turks would start this again in a heartbeat.
Want proof? Just look at the direction in which Turkey is being taken with Erdogan in charge: more Islam more of the time. And recent polls, confirming old polls...»
«The janissaries fought at Malta in 1565 as part of the force assembled by Suleyman the not-so-Magnificent.
ResponderEliminarThe Knights of St. John had a nasty surprise for these fellas though, as they charged St. Elmo's fort - fiery hoops, which they set alight & threw down on top of them. Never mind Johnny Cash, this was an actual ring of fire; the Janissaries couldn't escape, their Muslim garb, aka blankets wrapped around them so their dangly bits felt all fresh and breezy, caught fire and they were, as they say, up a certain creek without a paddle.»
«Hurshid Ahmed-Pasha became the ruthless suppressor of rebellions (Christian or otherwise) throughout the Empire. In 1809, his troops won a costly victory against the Serb insurgents near Nish. He ordered the Serb dead decapitated, stuffed their heads and sent them as trophies to the Sultan, and used the skulls to make a tower outside the town. The tower still stands.»
ResponderEliminar«We have evidence that peoples from the East, of Hebrew descent, via Scythia invaded Germany and influenced the “Indo-European” natives.
The newcomers from Scythia according to archaeology in east Scythia used Aramaic as their major language. There is some evidence that they also used Hebrew and that the Lost Ten Tribes prior to their exile had used both Hebrew and Aramaic. This knowledge is based on archaeological finds.
Some of the Israelites (e.g. those who were east of the Jordan according to inscriptions) before their exile spoke an Aramaic dialect similar to Hebrew. The Scythians in east Scythia must have used Hebrew as well as Aramaic.»
zionista tadic entregou mladic
General Mladic já foi extraditado para o Tribunal de Haia
Ratko Mladic foi já extraditado para Haia, para ser julgado no Tribunal Penal Internacional para a Ex-Jugoslávia (TPI-J). O anúncio foi feito pelo ministro sérvio da Justiça, Snezana Malovic. “Já está no avião”, disse. Mladic foi transportado do ...
Mladic é extraditado para Haia, diz ministro sérvio
Diário Digital
Sérvia extradita general acusado de crimes de guerra para a Holanda
Terra Brasil - Expresso - Correio da Manhã - SIC Notícias
zionista tadic entregou mladic
General Mladic já foi extraditado para o Tribunal de Haia
Ratko Mladic foi já extraditado para Haia, para ser julgado no Tribunal Penal Internacional para a Ex-Jugoslávia (TPI-J). O anúncio foi feito pelo ministro sérvio da Justiça, Snezana Malovic. “Já está no avião”, disse. Mladic foi transportado do ...
Mladic é extraditado para Haia, diz ministro sérvio
Diário Digital
Sérvia extradita general acusado de crimes de guerra para a Holanda
Terra Brasil - Expresso - Correio da Manhã - SIC Notícias
Os portugueses vão pagar mais pelos cuidados na Saúde já em Setembro, segundo a revisão do acordo inicial com a troika, avança o Correio da Manhã.
ResponderEliminarAs diferenças (23) entre o memorando assinado a 3 de Maio, que foi enviado à oposição, e o que assinou com a União Europeia, o Fundo Monetário Internacional e o Banco Central Europeu a 17 de Maio, revelam que Sócrates acusou a direita de querer destruir o Estado Social numa altura em que se tinha comprometido a subir as taxas moderadoras já em Setembro. Sócrates afirmou mesmo que o único intuito do PSD era rever a "gratuitidade e a universalidade do Serviço Nacional de Saúde [SNS]". Com esta medida, decidida ao abrigo do acordo com a troika, o Governo pretende ganhar margem de manobra para poder baixar a factura do Estado com centros de saúde e hospitais, escreve o CM.
Medidas detalhadas e urgentes
Na primeira versão, as taxas moderadoras deveriam subir, indefinidamente, no terceiro trimestre deste ano. Com o acordo final, os portugueses vão pagar mais pelos cuidados de saúde já em Setembro.
O relógio das medidas também é adiantado para as empresas públicas e as parcerias público-privadas vão ser fiscalizadas mais cedo.
Notícias relacionadas PSD acusa ministra da Saúde de não saber gerir o SNS
Portugal “precisa de agência nacional para avaliar novas tecnologias de saúde”
Saúde mais cara a partir de Setembro
ResponderEliminarGoverno tem de apresentar mais cedo os cortes nos subsídios de transporte e a descida da Taxa Social Única. taxas moderadoras nas urgências e consultam aumentam daqui a quatro meses.
A edição de hoje do "Correio da Manhã" faz manchete com o "acordo secreto com a troika" e mostra as diferenças entre o acordo assinado a 3 de Maio e que foi enviado à oposição, e o de 17 de Maio, que o Governo assinou com o FMI, BCE e Comissão Europeia.
"Revelam que Sócrates acusou a direita de destruir o Estado Social numa altura em que se tinha comprometido a subir as taxas moderadoras em Setembro", escreve o jornal.
sim, a Malin Akerman é boa, já tinha falado aqui nela ;)
ResponderEliminarquanto ao outro link...não dá nada.
Anónimo disse...
ResponderEliminar«"While most modern Turks would be appalled at this inhuman treatment of Christians today, it must not be forgotten or covered up out of political correctness. With the threat of the Islamization of Europe and the Americas, it is a lesson that must not be overlooked."
If given half the chance, Muslim Turks would start this again in a heartbeat.
Want proof? Just look at the direction in which Turkey is being taken with Erdogan in charge: more Islam more of the time. And recent polls, confirming old polls...»
31 de Maio de 2011 00:16
os turcos estão sempre a armar confusão na alemanha.
o gaylucas não comentou o devshirme, nem o genocidio dos arménios, etc.
«Half-drunk Red Army soldiers, armed with rifles and machine guns, made unarmed Germans stand in rows. Other Russians forced women and girls to lie on the ground, tore off their clothes and began raping them. The male Germans could only silently clench their fists. U.S. soldiers from their truck looked on at all this with eyes wide open.
It seemed that they were simply paralyzed by the spectacle. When two young German girls, stripped naked, shouting all the time rushed to the truck and in desperation began to climb on it the American guards pulled them up. The Russians did not like this. Firing wildly into the air and shouting, they rushed to the American truck. The U.S. soldiers quickly readied their guns, and the truck raced away across the road. When it had disappeared, the Russian soldiers attacked the German women again.
A young German woman, a little over thirty, mother of a 12-year-old girl, knelt at the feet of a Russian corporal and prayed to God that the Soviet soldiers take her, and not the girl. But her prayers went unanswered. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she kept praying.
The Russian corporal walked away from the woman, his face contorted into a mocking grin. One of the soldiers hit the woman on the face with his boot. "Damned fascist pig!", he yelled. The young mother fell on her back. The soldier who had hit her, shot her in the head and killed her.
The Russians seized all the German women who were visible. The little daughter of the murdered woman was dragged behind a tank by the killer of her mother. He was joined by other Russians. For half an hour rang out wild screams and moans. Then, completely naked, the girl, unable to stand on his feet, crept back.
However, in the overall picture of the atrocities, the suffering of the girl was not anything special. The helpless German men tried to persuade the Russian guards to allow them to help the girl. Rifle at the ready, the Russian allowed a German medic to attend to the girl. An hour later she died, and her last sobs burned the hearts of Hartmann and his soldiers.
Rape of German women post war
Idries Shah is said to have been a founding member of the Club of Rome.
ResponderEliminarf*ck islam!