para israel:

sim, foi a mesma pessoa que disse ambas as coisas, o biólogo judeu sionista Jared Diamond, um mesologista que defende que a raça é uma construção social.
como é que é possível ainda existir "gente" que defenda esta escumalha, ou que apoie a existência de um estado que quer negar esse mesmo direito a todas as outras nações?
As raízes espartanas da eugenia nacional-socialista:
ResponderEliminar"At one time the Spartans were capable of such a wise measure, but not our present, mendaciously sentimental, bourgeois patriotic nonsense. The rule of six thousand Spartans over three hundred and fifty thousand Helots was only thinkable in consequence of the high racial value of the Spartans. But this was the result of a systematic race preservation; thus Sparta must be regarded as the first V�lkisch State. The exposure of the sick, weak, deformed children, in short, their destruction, was more decent and in truth a thousand times more humane than the wretched insanity of our day which preserves the most pathological subject, and indeed at any price, and yet takes the life of a hundred thousand healthy children in consequence of birth control or through abortions, in order subsequently to breed a race of degenerates burdened with illnesses." — Adolf Hitler, Hitler's Secret Book
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ResponderEliminarUn ilegal de Mali será juzgado por violar a dos mujeres en Mallorca - La Sección Segunda de la Audiencia de Palma juzgará este viernes a un hombre de 39 años, por haber violado presuntamente a dos mujeres...
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