Daniel Oliveira do B.E. ao "Expresso"
e quem é este Daniel Oliveira? será algum nativo português ou lusitano?
«Filho natural do poeta Herberto Hélder e de Isabel Figueiredo,»
e quem é este Herberto Hélder? algum nativo português ou lusitano?

resumindo, Daniel Oliveira não é nativo de Portugal ou da Lusitânia, por isso mesmo é compreensível que considere todos os portugueses estúpidos, arrogantes, medíocres, maus e que queira ver o país cheio de estrangeiros que considera à partida bons, evoluídos, melhores, etc, etc
é, portanto, coerente e não pode ser considerado traidor a nada, pois só se trai aquilo a que se pertence e Oliveira não pertence ao país. pertence apenas à esquerda genocida e ao povo «eleito».
O homem deve cuidar de sua senhora a partir do momento em que ela passa a ser sua propriedade, como seus filhos e seu cão. As mulheres têm uma cabeça simples e não conseguem refletir em profundidade sobre determinadas coisas. Elas são como crianças grandes: cometem atos impulsivos que podem constantemente ser-lhes prejudicial. Portanto, é necessária a mão do esposo para incutir na cabeça da fêmea certas verdades importantes; a melhor disciplina é aquela que vem acompanhada da dor física.
ResponderEliminarE a dor física, quando bem praticada, não é violência, é ensinamento.
Pax et trombetiae".
Se tivéssemos aprendido com a América, saberíamos que o futuro é dos melhores. E os melhores são os que partem. Espero que não se integrem na mediocridade nacional. Que venham muitos e façam disto um país.
ResponderEliminarA America era grande com a imigração Europeia!
o sarkókó vai vender a areva (energia nuclear) ao qatar
ResponderEliminar«Where exactly has the rabbi been keeping his head? Up his a**? Rabbi, how can you not see that the Muslims will destroy you? They will drive you and all the Jews you know and don't know out of France. They and you will live your lives in fear and misery and tragedy? Truly the Jews are their own worse enemies. Traitors to their faith, to their civilization.»
«This rabbis not by any means unique. He is one among many prominent Jews in the West, who advocate the unrestricted immigration of Muslims - who see any restriction on Muslim immigration as violating the principles of "tolerance". As such, these Jews become the enablers of the destruction of the West.»
«Numerically, there are unfortunately many more who support immigration of non-Europeans. When Jews are singled out, it only gives ammunition to the multi-culturalists who say that people who want to preserve their identity, have an anti-semitic agenda.»
«The trouble is that many prominent Jews are very prominent, more so then then others. Then again they are far better educated and highly intelligent. Then there is feeling that if Jews object to immigration or discrimination on cultural grounds their argument must have greater validity and force because of the holocaust.»
«We cannot single Jews out as the cause of the crisis in Europe. There are many others more guilty and more numerous. The Eurabia project was the work of non-Jews. The planned population replacement was the work of European leaders and Arab States that want the destruction of Israel.
At the same time, there does seem to be an excessive power of persuasion on the part of Jewish intellectuals and writers. Possibly this tendency of the French to look to the "intelectuals" as oracles and interpreters of events that are out of control hearkens back to the 18th century. And Jews see themselves on a civilizing mission forgetting completely the reality down on the ground. This relationship between a frightened public and the "intelectuals" with a particular agenda has resulted in two terrible consequences: more hatred of Jews on the part of those who see only the harm done by these "intelectuals" and a deepening crisis that may be unsolvable. The "good people" including Jews who are realistic, are left out in the cold while the dialogues go on in the ivory towers of the media and the university.
The same is true of others, except that they do not seem to have the same hold over people's minds as the "intelectuals". And yet their tacit collaboration has been just as harmful.»