sexta-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2020
quarta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2020
privilégio angolano
depois, a "raça branca" é que é a dita privilegiada, exploradora, colonialista, etc, etc já este(a)s grandes filho(a)s da puta que deixam o povo comum angolano na real miséria, são os "bonzinhos" e as "vítimas" (são eles e o Álvaro Sobrinho)...a culpa é do maldito Salazar e do fascismo, pá! ainda não passaram anos suficientes desde a queda do império e bla, bla, bla
domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2020
prioridades da trampa
a Trampa, além de chantagear os Europeus com a merda da história do Irão, também andou a libertar (((mafiosos))) do Chabad e a deportar ex-NS's ucranianos com 95 anos, porque a sua presença "insulta" as "vítimas" do holomerda...como se não fosse ele o único com direito de se sentir insultado com o holodomor praticado pela tribo protegida na sua terra. estas sim, devem ser as "prioridades" do povo Americano. ou serão antes estas?
filhos da puta,
sexta-feira, 24 de janeiro de 2020
quinta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2020
quarta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2020
segunda-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2020
domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2020
sábado, 18 de janeiro de 2020
chantagem sobre a Europa
continuem a apoiar este(a) Trampa como o pretenso salvador da "raça branca" ou até da Europa e depois digam que ninguém vos avisou...
coerência do «livre» e mamadou
então quando se pensava que eram nativos de Bragança, era racismo, ódio e tal. agora que parece que os assassinos eram ciganos, já não é nada disso?
quinta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2020
segunda-feira, 13 de janeiro de 2020
domingo, 12 de janeiro de 2020
sexta-feira, 10 de janeiro de 2020
a substituição é um mito, pá
até mesmo através dos mass merda que negam que esteja a haver qualquer substituição populacional, se pode comprovar que isso é mesmo um mito fascista, pá!
terça-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2020
segunda-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2020
outra grande aliada
não ligues goyim, isto é só incitamento ao ódio e fake news. a imagem é manipulada honk honk.
verdadeiras são as notícias que diabolizam o Irão, o Iraque e incitam ao ódio contra islâmicos e toda a merda que não nos baixar as calças. nós somos os vossos maiores aliados.
sexta-feira, 3 de janeiro de 2020
quarta-feira, 1 de janeiro de 2020
finance capitalism vs honor & folk
Finance-Capitalism vs. Honor and Folk
The focus here is not on Jews or Marxism or the Underman, although all are mentioned. Rosenberg here is focused on the fact that Capitalism is destructive to the national ethos. This seems to be a more fundamental problem than Jews, Marxists, and the ascent of the Underman. This essay is about how the Germans must straighten out their own ethos.
Rosenberg says that the Germans must get back their sense of honor, if they are to survive as a people. The honor to which Rosenberg refers includes unwillingness to suffer grievous insults and unjust treatment of one's folk. Where Rosenberg uses the term German-consciousness (Deutschbewußtsein) it amounts to a synonym for honor.

When pursuit of money becomes the highest value, it undermine the sense of nationality and the sense of honor. Rosenberg sees Capitalism as thus preparing the way for the rule of the Underman. Furthermore, he sees the Social-Democrats as deliberately using Capitalism for that purpose.
With a quote from Frederick the Great, Rosenberg implies that the corrosion of national honor under Capitalism was what had induced Germany to accept a highly unfavorable armistice in 1918. After that, the attack on national honor was continued with more direct means, such as inflicting guilt for alleged war-crimes, and presentation of entertainment that humiliates the nation.
There is a significant parallel here with what has happened since the United States' ignominious retreat from Vietnam. We too need to change our way of thinking.
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The focus here is not on Jews or Marxism or the Underman, although all are mentioned. Rosenberg here is focused on the fact that Capitalism is destructive to the national ethos. This seems to be a more fundamental problem than Jews, Marxists, and the ascent of the Underman. This essay is about how the Germans must straighten out their own ethos.
Rosenberg says that the Germans must get back their sense of honor, if they are to survive as a people. The honor to which Rosenberg refers includes unwillingness to suffer grievous insults and unjust treatment of one's folk. Where Rosenberg uses the term German-consciousness (Deutschbewußtsein) it amounts to a synonym for honor.

When pursuit of money becomes the highest value, it undermine the sense of nationality and the sense of honor. Rosenberg sees Capitalism as thus preparing the way for the rule of the Underman. Furthermore, he sees the Social-Democrats as deliberately using Capitalism for that purpose.
With a quote from Frederick the Great, Rosenberg implies that the corrosion of national honor under Capitalism was what had induced Germany to accept a highly unfavorable armistice in 1918. After that, the attack on national honor was continued with more direct means, such as inflicting guilt for alleged war-crimes, and presentation of entertainment that humiliates the nation.
There is a significant parallel here with what has happened since the United States' ignominious retreat from Vietnam. We too need to change our way of thinking.
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