domingo, 31 de janeiro de 2016
sexta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2016
Alemanha: não-Ariana dentro de uma geração
Germany: Nonwhite in One Generation
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.
The official Federal Statistical Office currently counts some 15 million people in this age group in Germany, he continues, adding that the “proportion of people with an immigrant background in this age group is about 3.5 million people.”
In other words, the current native—European—German population aged between 20 and 35, excluding the new wave of invaders, stands at 11.5 million people.
Working on a rough figure of around a million invaders coming to Germany every year for the next few years—and the real figure may be higher—it is perfectly reasonable to expect a total “asylum-seeking” population in Germany of between three and four million by the year 2020.
This is, however, only the tip of the iceberg. Presuming, Professor Kovács says, that only half this number will actually be granted asylum and stay in Germany, this means that there will be around two million successful applicants by 2020.
“The fact that the majority of so-called asylum seekers are men, means that in almost all the cases, a successful bid for family reunification will be made.
“This will add between three and eight extra persons per successful asylum seeker, which means that by 2020 the total number of this group will be in excess of eight million.”
The fact that that are currently only 11.5 million European Germans in the 20- to 30- year-old age group means that by 2020—just four years away—white Germans will be an outright minority in this age category.
“Of the 23 million people in this country who are between 20 and 35 years, approximately 11.5 million people have a migration background within five years,” Professor Kovács says.
Furthermore, the higher birth rate of immigrants “has not even been factored in,” he continued.
“You have to think ahead 30 years. If the majority, that is, more than 50 percent of those now living in Germany are elderly, and will have died within that time, it takes no imagination to get an idea of the composition of the future German population.”
The conclusion is inevitable: either Germany will take political steps to halt and reverse the current Third World invasion, or it will become a majority nonwhite country within one generation.
FONTE: Daily Stormer
The ongoing Third World invasion of Germany will create a nonwhite majority in the 20- to 30-year-old age group within just four years, and a nonwhite majority within one generation, a new statistical analysis based on official German census figures has shown.
The analysis, carried out by Professor Adorján F. Kovács from the Goethe-Universität at Frankfurt am Main, was published in The European magazine in Germany under the title “Truths about the Refugee Crisis” (Wahrheiten zur Flüchtlingskrise).
Professor Kovács said that proponents of the current “unprecedented immigration” such as Chancellor Angela Merkel argue that “one, two, or three million are only a few compared to the 79–80 million people who currently live in Germany.”
This claim, Professor Kovács, says, is simply wrong because it does not take into account the age demographic which the influx is affecting.
He goes on to point out that figures released by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, or BAMF), show that the nonwhite invaders are almost exclusively limited to people aged between 20 and 35 years of age, or even younger.
A much more accurate picture of the influx can be obtained when it is compared to the already existing German population within this same age group, Professor Kovács says.
Professor Kovács said that proponents of the current “unprecedented immigration” such as Chancellor Angela Merkel argue that “one, two, or three million are only a few compared to the 79–80 million people who currently live in Germany.”
This claim, Professor Kovács, says, is simply wrong because it does not take into account the age demographic which the influx is affecting.
He goes on to point out that figures released by the German Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge, or BAMF), show that the nonwhite invaders are almost exclusively limited to people aged between 20 and 35 years of age, or even younger.
A much more accurate picture of the influx can be obtained when it is compared to the already existing German population within this same age group, Professor Kovács says.
The official Federal Statistical Office currently counts some 15 million people in this age group in Germany, he continues, adding that the “proportion of people with an immigrant background in this age group is about 3.5 million people.”
In other words, the current native—European—German population aged between 20 and 35, excluding the new wave of invaders, stands at 11.5 million people.
Working on a rough figure of around a million invaders coming to Germany every year for the next few years—and the real figure may be higher—it is perfectly reasonable to expect a total “asylum-seeking” population in Germany of between three and four million by the year 2020.
This is, however, only the tip of the iceberg. Presuming, Professor Kovács says, that only half this number will actually be granted asylum and stay in Germany, this means that there will be around two million successful applicants by 2020.
“The fact that the majority of so-called asylum seekers are men, means that in almost all the cases, a successful bid for family reunification will be made.

The fact that that are currently only 11.5 million European Germans in the 20- to 30- year-old age group means that by 2020—just four years away—white Germans will be an outright minority in this age category.
“Of the 23 million people in this country who are between 20 and 35 years, approximately 11.5 million people have a migration background within five years,” Professor Kovács says.
Furthermore, the higher birth rate of immigrants “has not even been factored in,” he continued.
“You have to think ahead 30 years. If the majority, that is, more than 50 percent of those now living in Germany are elderly, and will have died within that time, it takes no imagination to get an idea of the composition of the future German population.”
The conclusion is inevitable: either Germany will take political steps to halt and reverse the current Third World invasion, or it will become a majority nonwhite country within one generation.
FONTE: Daily Stormer
segunda-feira, 25 de janeiro de 2016
NS vs católicos
"O catolicismo romano vestigial que Hudal e Papen haviam detectado em Hitler pouco mais era do que um invólucro vazio, desprovido de sentido. Os rituais nazis, com as suas cruzes gamadas e as suas catedrais de luz, não passavam de um arremedo hipócrita, tal como os discursos de Hitler, sempre tão ricos em alusões bíblicas; as suas invocações do divino não passavam de pura retórica, plena de ruído e de fúria (para fazer uma alusão ao volume seis das obras de Shakespeare, de que era proprietário), sem qualquer significado, uma retórica tão destituída de sentido como foi o calculado ou o espontâneo - não interessa para o caso - "amén" que chegou a proferir no final de um entusiástico discurso."
A biblioteca privada de Hitler
estes eram luteranos, não católicos.
quarta-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2016
segunda-feira, 18 de janeiro de 2016
Arianos na base de 97% do avanço científico
Europeans and North Americans are responsible for 97 percent of scientific accomplishment
terça-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2016
domingo, 10 de janeiro de 2016
false flag em Colónia?
Did undercover members of the security services, and their 'Moslem' allies, carry out the sexual attacks on women in Cologne?
"There are reports of police standing around with their hands in their pockets while nightclub bouncers come to the aid of women being groped and mobbed.
"Thus, when police officials say this seems like an organized attack, we feel safe in looking at police as not only standing aside but undercover police as the likely parties involved in the assaults as well.
"We expect to see more incidents like these, staged by police and carefully coordinated with the press, playing on and building hysteria against not only refugees but Islam as well."
Cologne Muslim Assaults - False Flag
It looks as if the CIA, NATO and Mossad are destabilising Europe.
...nunca se sabe. uma coisa demasiado organizada e generalizada para poder ser genuinamente islâmica. uma coisa é certa, deve-se sempre questionar tudo e mais alguma coisa...

sexta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2016
a violação da Europa
The Rape of Europe
não gosto muito do site "infowars", nem do Paul Watson ou do Alex Jones, mas devido a uma série de circunstâncias especiais, aqui vai. contudo não deixo de avisar os leitores de que Paul Watson e o seu site, promovem constantemente desinformação sionista, o que obviamente não significa que tudo o que dizem seja mentira, bem pelo contrário. quem é que podia prever que os "refugiados" fariam coisas destas? ninguém, claro. só os extremistas e lunáticos dos nazis.
não gosto muito do site "infowars", nem do Paul Watson ou do Alex Jones, mas devido a uma série de circunstâncias especiais, aqui vai. contudo não deixo de avisar os leitores de que Paul Watson e o seu site, promovem constantemente desinformação sionista, o que obviamente não significa que tudo o que dizem seja mentira, bem pelo contrário. quem é que podia prever que os "refugiados" fariam coisas destas? ninguém, claro. só os extremistas e lunáticos dos nazis.
quinta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2016
quarta-feira, 6 de janeiro de 2016
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